Monday, November 19, 2012

Hiking to the top of Mt. Mitchell, NC.


Mount Mitchell. What can I say to explain this majestic mountain? It is hard to explain in just words. If you haven't been there your missing out on absolutely the most breathtaking hiking and scenery you could ever imagine. The above photo was taken at the summit around 6pm EST. You can see rows and rows of ridges of the Appalachians until they disappear.

 Here is a map of how to get there

The mountain was named after Elisha Mitchell, a proffesor of Geology at the University of North Carolina. He was the first to measure this peak in 1835 and was measured at 6,684 feet (2,037 m) high at the very highest rock. It is the highest point in all the Applalachian Mountains.

Elisha now rests in eternal peace on his beloved mountain. You can walk by his tomb at the peak.

Hiking, picniking or just taking beautiful pictures, Mount Mitchell has it all. Here is the official website that can answer many questions you may have. At the time of this posting it is a little cold on the mountain and I appologize to our readers for being so late but hey, make plans for next year you will not be disappointed. Well here is the link...
Well for now we bid you good bye and happy adventuring from atop of the majestic Mount Mitchell.
It's getting dark on us up here so we have to go, but we sure do look foward to your posts on this blogg :)